How To Set Up Your Pinbutton Tags?

Step 1

Install The Pinbutton Case On Your Samsung Galaxy phone.

PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide

Step 2

Go to [Settings] and select
[Modes And Routines].
Choose [Routines], click "+" at the top, and create your routine.

PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide

Step 3

Create a routine and set your trigger conditions. Tap [Add What Will Trigger This Routine], choose [Nfc Tagged], and press and hold any PinButton for several seconds. Once your phone identifies the tag, name the tag.

PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide

Step 4

Configure the action for the routine. Click [Add What This Routine Will Do], choose [Open An App Or Do An App Action] to select your desired app or action, for example, [Open Maps], click [Done], and then [Save]. You can customize the icon if you like. The routine is now set up.

PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide
PinButton Case User Guide

Step 5

Using the PinButton Unlock your phone, press and hold the configured PinButton for several seconds, and the phone will execute the corresponding app action instantly.

PinButton Case User Guide

How To Change Your Pinbutton Tags?

Step 1

Go to [Settings] and select
[Modes and Routines].
Find the NFC tag you want to change.

PinButton Case User Guide

Step 2

Enter the settings for the NFC tag and change the action.

Step 2

Alternatively, Select the NFC tag and delete it.

Step 3

Follow the instructions in "How To Set Up Your PinButtons" to reconfigure the routine's trigger conditions and actions.

Additional Information

PinButton Case User Guide
  • The PinButton case features three customizable shortcut buttons, each linked to an NFC quick command.
  • Follow the steps above to set up shortcuts for each button according to your preferences.
  • Press and hold any button for one second to quickly access your preset app.
  • Note that quick action only works when the phone is unlocked.
  • Only one button can be active at a time; pressing two or more buttons at the same time will not trigger any actions.

Warm Tips

If you accidentally press a PinButton while installing the phone case, the screen will navigate to a specific page as shown below. Simply click the back button on your phone.

PinButton Case User Guide

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the PITAKA customer service team: [email protected].

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